The listening session will be 9pm, Sunday 2nd March.
You can vote for five albums by sending the numbers (not names!) of your choices to the @lpgrp Twitter account (via a direct message or an ordinary tweet mentioning @lpgrp).
You are allowed to vote for the albums you nominated.
The deadline for voting is 8pm, Friday 21st February.
I think it's a very 'John Peel' list - very eclectic and spanning the decades. I hope and think that the great man would have improved.
1. 23 Skidoo - Seven Songs
2. Afghan Whigs - Gentlemen
3. ....And You Will Know Us By The Trail
Of Dead - Madonna
4. Pete Atkin - A King at Nightfall
5. Kevin Ayres - Millionaires and Teddy
6. Bhundu Boys - Shabini
7. Butthole Surfers - Hairway to Steven
8. Buzzcocks.- A Different Kind
of Tension
9. Captain Beefheart & the Magic Band
- Trout Mask Replica
10. Cinerama - Va Va Voom
11. Country Joe & the Fish - Electric
12. Culture - Two Sevens Clash
13. Ivor Cutler - Life In A Scotch
Sitting Room
14. Mikey Dread - African Anthem
15. East River Pipe - Poor Fricky
16. Elastica - Elastica
17. Fairport Convention - Liege and Lief
18. The Fall - Bend Sinister
19. The Fall - Hex Enduction Hour
20. Galaxie 500 - Today
21. Gallon Drunk – Tonite…The Singles Bar
22. Ganger - Fore
22a. Godflesh - Streetcleaner
22a. Godflesh - Streetcleaner
23. Gorky’s Zygotic Mynci - Bwyd Time
24. Half Man Half Biscuit - Back In
25. Hefner - Breaking God's Heart
26. Jethro Tull - This Was
27. Simon Joyner - The Cowardly
Traveller Pays his Toll
28. Kid Koala - Your Mom’s Favorite
29. Low - Things We Lost In The Fire
30. Magazine - Real Life
31. Microdisney - Everybody Is Fantastic
32. Mudhoney - Superfuzz BigMuff
33. The New FADS - The Peel Sessions
34. New Order - Low Life
35. Oblivians - Soul Food
36. Oldham Tinkers - Oldham's Burning
37. Orbital - Orbital II
38. The Pale Fountains – Pacific Street
39. Pavement – Slanted and Enchanted
40. Prolapse - Pointless Walks to Dismal
41. The Psychedelic Furs - The
Psychedelic Furs
42. Quickspace - Quickspace (1996)
43. Radar Brothers - The Singing Hatchet
44. The Ramones by the Ramones
45. The Redskins - Neither Washington nor
46. The Slits – Cut
47. The Smiths - Hatful of Hollow
48. Sonic Youth - Sister
49. The Sundays – Reading, Writing
and Arithmetic
50. Super Furry Animals - Mwng
51. Urusei Yatsura - We Are
Urusei Yatsura
52. The Wedding Present - Bizarro.
53. The Wedding Present - George Best
54. The Woodentops – Giant
55. Yeah Yeah Noh - Fun on the Lawn,
Lawn, Lawn